Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A little something that needs to be said, finally.

I have not posted anything in a little while now, but tonight I have something that I need to say. Straight to the point...

If you observe two people engaging in conversation, if you notice someone flirting with someone, if you pick up on the possibility that a guy may be interested in a particular girl or a girl interested in a guy, please, whatever you do, please don't approach one of those two people to ask them what is up or to try and find out if your observations or assumptions are correct.

THIS is where the pressure comes from.

Two people. A guy and a girl are simply trying to get to know each other better, minding their own business, feeling things out. Maybe it will lead to something, maybe it will not, but regardless in due time whatever the result is, it will be revealed. On its own time, in its own way, and between those two people. Ultimately, and I am only speaking in a firm tone, not anger, not frustration, but firm because it is time for it to just be said; Just try to just mind your own business and let others just be themselves.

The PRESSURE is not between the two who are trying to get to know each other.

The PRESSURE comes from outside the realm of those two, it comes from those who have observed, from those who have witnessed conversations, from those who have seen someone flirt or be affectionate with someone else. So what would give this outside person the right? What gives this person the right to just walk right up and point blank ask one of those two what is up? What would give this person the right to discuss it among others behind the "subjects" backs?

I think there could only be one reason, and that would be if you knew for a fact; not through assumption, not a gut feeling, not even something you necessarily heard from someone else that you think is trustworthy and dependable, but only a fact that you know about one of the people that could put the other in some kind of legitimate jeopardy or compromising position.

It's hard enough to sometimes have the guts to try and get to know people as friends much less to try and figure out if you want to date someone or not. Please understand, I do not speak in anger or frustration, I just feel it is due time for this to be said. It is a fact that it hinders both the guy and the girl that are trying to get to know one another better, so next time you're tempted, just stop for a minute and think it all through, and better yet, stop and just pray silently for the two that you notice, that God would give them clear eyes to see, that God would reveal Himself to each of them through the other, that God would simply just be in the middle of everything that is said and comes to be.

A confession - I am guilty of everything I've said above too. The difference for me today is that now I see my own sin in this and have for some time and since that time have tried my best just to mind my own business. In the end, if one of those people want me to know, if we have that level of friendship, they will tell me, BUT, it will be in their time and their way, not my own.

Feel free to pass this along or make comments. I would love to hear what you think. Thanks as always for reading.

Jason J.

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