Friday, June 6, 2008

Just want to say thank you to our Lord and Savior for tonight. It was a special time tonight with our Singles group participating in a Homeless Ministry. Tonight I ended up being the one that needed to do the devotional at the event. I had asked for someone to step up earlier in the week, but got no takers. This was fine, for some reason. I normally in the past when faced with this type of responsibility would have been overwhelmed with fear and worry. Funny enough, or maybe sovereignly enough, the Lord laid on my heart yesterday morning what His will was for me to speak about. Fear and Worry.

The event started off like any other time and we hung out and talked with the homeless people who were there and enjoyed our time with them. Around 6:45 or so, I checked with one of the other leaders to find out when I would need to do the devotional. Most everyone was finished eating so we decided to go ahead and get started. Another leader, Carlissa stepped up and called attention to our devotional time and introduced me. And I was on...

I honestly don't remember much of what I said. I had written out a guide to follow and used it a little, but mostly just focused on the Word and tried to apply real life to the lesson. God showed up in a BIG way. I was so thankful!

Finished up and the night went on with a sweet time of prayer and worship.

Thank You Lord for just being there, for being by my side, for removing my own fears and speaking through me. You are faithful and I am thankful. Thank You Lord.

Good Night.

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